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I wake up and say thank you

for living and loving, laughing, learning, giving and growing.

For seeing and believing, caring and sharing.

 For daring and fearing and feeling, having and holding,

healing and eating.

For needing and knowing, trusting and reading.

For telling and talking, and just being.

For the sun and stars above, and the grass below between my toes,

and the beauty that exists perfectly so.

For yellow, red, green, and blue -

all the perfect shade,  the perfect hue.

For the sun, air, and wind in my hair.

For the food that I eat and  the people that I meet.

For the fun to be had, the love that we share,

and the bugs everywhere.

For the ups, downs, and crap thrown around.

For the tears that occur and the tests to endure.

 For the person I am and more that I hope to be -

I think bigger,  push harder, to achieve the dreams in front of me.

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